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David Pawson - ’Unlocking the Bible’ Podcast

Podcast David Pawson - ’Unlocking the Bible’ Podcast
David Pawson Ministry
A UNIQUE OVERVIEW OF THE WHOLE BIBLE. Bringing together a lifetime’s worth of insights into the meaning of Bible events and teaching. This is a fantastic opport...

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  • Revelation - part 6 - Unlocking The Bible
    Part 98 of the David Pawson 'Unlocking the Bible' Podcast series  In this last study on Revelation, David Pawson lists the reasons for his view of the Millennium and resumes looking at John’s visions about our future including the final judgment. Books will be opened that reveal our records. Those who are ‘in Christ’ on that day – their names will be in His book, the Book of Life. The human race finishes in 2 groups only – those who live under the rule of God and those who want to live their own way. David warns against the lack of the fear of God abroad today which says that those who are not faithful to the Lord will be annihilated. Rather, ‘our God is a consuming fire, so let us worship him with awe and reverence.’ The good news for our future is that there is to be a new heaven and a new earth where God and those who have been faithful to him will live together. We can live in this new heaven and earth if we are willing to be ‘recycled’ now. Recycling is making useless things (and people) useful. David reveals evidence for the truth of Revelation in regard to the gems that are mentioned in the New Jerusalem – fascinating. He gives 10 reasons for reading Revelation.
  • Revelation - part 5 - Unlocking The Bible
    Part 97 of the David Pawson 'Unlocking the Bible' Podcast series  David Pawson says Christian hope is fixed on the ultimate future – as seen in the book of Revelation. Toward the end, there are 7 visions as well as oral messages to John. David warns about the division of the Word of God into chapters and verses which has caused people to become ‘text people’ where a verse is taken out of context and misunderstood. The visions thus have been split into 3 chapters. For a thousand years the church had no chapter and verse numbers. David says we need to take the visions in their order, and not juggle chapters. We find 4 enemies of the human race: Satan, antichrist, the false prophet and Babylon. Jesus doesn’t ride a donkey – he is on horseback, ready for war against evil. A world battle will take place at Megiddo, at the crossroads of the world, and Jesus will destroy his enemies with a word. Then he will rule the world with Christians sharing that reign for a thousand years - the millennium. It will be a time of world peace. 4 major events in the visions: The Second Coming; The Millennial Rule of Christ on Earth; The Day of Judgment; and the New Heaven and New Earth.   
  • Revelation - part 4 - Unlocking The Bible
    Part 96 of the David Pawson 'Unlocking the Bible' Podcast series  David Pawson says, there are 3 women in the book of Revelation that are actually representative of either a group of people, a city or something else. He helps with interpretation. Much of the book deals with 2 cities – one labelled ‘Babylon’ – a city of man; and Jerusalem, the city of God – represented by 2 of the women. Throughout the Bible ‘Babylon’ is used for all that is secular and wicked. David says that sin, vice, aggressiveness, lust, greed and crime are more concentrated in cities. There are cities of the world now that could be the final ‘Babylon’ of Revelation. Revelation shows that politicians will bring about the destruction of ‘Babylon’, a city of pleasure, crime and commerce.  David says it is pictured as a prostitute because it takes your money and gives you pleasure. The martyrdom of the church will not be total because there will be those who come out as advised. David says that the whole world finance system will collapse. He discusses the concept of Christians being raptured out before the trouble – a very important teaching.  
  • Revelation - part 3 - Unlocking The Bible
    Part 95 of the David Pawson 'Unlocking the Bible' Podcast series  David Pawson, looking at Revelation, says that when the Lord writes history he gives us the whole picture including what is happening in heaven and in the future – Apocalyptic History. David says Revelation is full of art, worship and singing. Jews and Christians will be one flock under one Shepherd. David explains the animals, pictures and symbols. God has told us the worst of what is coming so that we will be prepared if it happens in our lifetime. We know that the disasters to come will last only 3-and-a-half years. David explains the bowls, seals and scrolls. There will even be satanic miracles on display. The unholy trinity of Satan, the false prophet and the antichrist will rule, and many believers will be martyred. David informs about the differing ways of interpreting Revelation.
  • Revelation - part 2 - Unlocking The Bible
    Part 94 of the David Pawson 'Unlocking the Bible' Podcast series  David Pawson says that Revelation is the only book of the Bible that nobody decided to write. John simply wrote down what he saw and heard at the instruction of an angel. Jesus appears to him in a vision, but now his glory is apparent. David says that we need Revelation to fill out our picture of Jesus. Jesus reveals a knowledge of 7 cities and their churches to whom he is giving personal, individual messages. These cities in The Fertile Crescent are a melting pot of culture, politics and religion where roads between Europe and Asia traverse. Also, it was the area where Satan had his headquarters. The number seven is God’s perfect number and appears throughout this book. There are 7 parts to the letters – the Address, an Attribute of Jesus, an Approval of the church, an Accusation, Jesus’ Advice to put things right – sometimes with a warning that they will be closed down if they continue in wrong, an Appeal for them to heed, and finally an Assurance.  For two of the churches – the largest ones – he has nothing good to say about them. For those who are suffering persecution, he has no accusation. David gives an outline of the whole book, and though things will get worse, they will ultimately get better and stay that way.

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Über David Pawson - ’Unlocking the Bible’ Podcast

A UNIQUE OVERVIEW OF THE WHOLE BIBLE. Bringing together a lifetime’s worth of insights into the meaning of Bible events and teaching. This is a fantastic opportunity to get to grips with the Bible as a whole. Taking an overview of the epic story of God’s relationship with His people, Unlocking the Bible avoids close verse by verse analysis in order to give a real sense of the sweep of Biblical history and its implications for our lives. Charts and diagrams to accompany these series are available to download from or to purchase in book format from There are also videos that can be downloaded/streamed as well as other resources for free from or and also on the YouTube channel They can also be purchased from About David Pawson: A speaker cum author with uncompromising faithfulness to the Holy Scriptures, David brings clarity and a message of urgency to Christians to uncover hidden treasures in God’s Word. Born in England in 1930, David began his career with a degree in Agriculture from Durham University. When God intervened and called him to become a Minister, he completed an MA in Theology at Cambridge University and served as a Chaplain in the Royal Air Force for 3 years. He moved on to pastor several churches including the Millmead Centre in Guildford which became a model for many UK church leaders. In 1979, the Lord led him into an international ministry. His current itinerant ministry is predominantly to church leaders. Over the years, he has written a large number of books, booklets, and daily reading notes. His extensive and very accessible overviews of the books of the Bible have been published and recorded in ‘Unlocking the Bible’. Millions of copies of his teachings have been distributed in more than 120 countries, providing a solid biblical foundation.

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