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PodcastsGeschichteHistory 102 with WhatifAltHist's Rudyard Lynch and Austin Padgett
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History 102 with WhatifAltHist's Rudyard Lynch and Austin Padgett

Podcast History 102 with WhatifAltHist's Rudyard Lynch and Austin Padgett
Rudyard Lynch, creator of the enormously popular YouTube channel WhatifAltHist joins Austin Padgett every week to offer a deeper understanding of critical momen...

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  • Explaining African Colonialism
    In this episode of History 102, 'WhatIfAltHist' creator Rudyard Lynch and co-host Austin Padgett present a conservative critique of the lasting social, cultural, and economic changes that emerged from the 1960s, with particular focus on how these changes continue to shape modern American society. -- 📰 Be notified early when Turpentine's drops new publication: -- SPONSOR: NETSUITE | SHOPIFY | ORACLE More than 40,000 businesses have already upgraded to NetSuite by Oracle, the #1 cloud financial system bringing accounting, financial management, inventory, HR, into ONE proven platform. If you're looking for an ERP platform, get a one-of-a-kind flexible financing program on NetSuite: - Download your free CFO's guide to AI and machine learning. Shopify is the world's leading e-commerce platform, offering a market-leading checkout system Shoppay and exclusive AI apps. Nobody does selling better than Shopify. Get a $1 per month trial at Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI): Oracle's next-generation cloud platform delivers blazing-fast AI and ML performance with 50% less for compute and 80% less for outbound networking compared to other cloud providers. OCI powers industry leaders like Vodafone and Thomson Reuters with secure infrastructure and application development capabilities. New U.S. customers can get their cloud bill cut in half by switching to OCI before March 31, 2024 at -- FOLLOW ON X: @whatifalthist (Rudyard) @LudwigNverMises (Austin) @TurpentineMedia -- KEY HIGHLIGHTS OF THE DISCUSSION: Africa's Geography and Disease Environment: Africa's massive size is emphasized (larger than China, America, India, and Western Europe combined) The equatorial regions had devastating diseases (malaria, yellow fever, sleeping sickness) that limited population density European colonizers faced 80% mortality rates in regions like Nigeria due to these diseases Pre-Colonial African Context: Muslim kingdoms and trade networks existed across the Sahel region for centuries before European colonization Arab traders and Omani empire controlled the east coast of Africa Africa had significantly lower population density than Europe until modern medicine arrived Phases of European Colonization: Early phase (1500s-1850s): Primarily coastal forts for slave trading and resupplying Scramble for Africa (1880s-1910): Rapid carving up of the entire continent Most of Africa was colonized for a relatively short period (roughly 60 years) Economic Reality of Colonialism: European powers invested more in Africa than they extracted economically Only a few colonies (South Africa, Togo) were profitable Africa represented less than 1% of British foreign trade at colonialism's peak Different Colonial Approaches: British: Prioritized self-governance, local institutions, and law French: Focused on cultural assimilation and equality through French identity Belgians: Emphasized social development after the Leopold atrocities Portuguese: Maintained more exploitative practices South Africa as a Special Case: Developed as a settler colonial society similar to Australia/Canada Conflict between British and Boers (Dutch settlers) Discussion of apartheid and its legacy Post-Colonial Challenges: Artificial borders created by European powers causing ongoing conflicts Resource extraction infrastructure designed to take wealth out of Africa First generation of post-colonial leaders trained in Western universities with socialist ideologies Legacy and Future Prospects: Discussion of how British colonial institutions provided some advantages over other colonial systems Africa's potential to develop new forms of civilization due to not being constrained by historical patterns The role of Christianity in Africa's future development Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
  • Explaining the 1960s
    In this episode of History 102, 'WhatIfAltHist' creator Rudyard Lynch and co-host Austin Padgett present a conservative critique of the lasting social, cultural, and economic changes that emerged from the 1960s, with particular focus on how these changes continue to shape modern American society. -- 📰 Be notified early when Turpentine's drops new publication: -- SPONSOR: NETSUITE | SHOPIFY | ORACLE More than 40,000 businesses have already upgraded to NetSuite by Oracle, the #1 cloud financial system bringing accounting, financial management, inventory, HR, into ONE proven platform. If you're looking for an ERP platform, get a one-of-a-kind flexible financing program on NetSuite: - Download your free CFO's guide to AI and machine learning. Shopify is the world's leading e-commerce platform, offering a market-leading checkout system Shoppay and exclusive AI apps. Nobody does selling better than Shopify. Get a $1 per month trial at Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI): Oracle's next-generation cloud platform delivers blazing-fast AI and ML performance with 50% less for compute and 80% less for outbound networking compared to other cloud providers. OCI powers industry leaders like Vodafone and Thomson Reuters with secure infrastructure and application development capabilities. New U.S. customers can get their cloud bill cut in half by switching to OCI before March 31, 2024 at -- FOLLOW ON X: @whatifalthist (Rudyard) @LudwigNverMises (Austin) @TurpentineMedia -- HIGHLIGHTS: Historical Significance of the 1960s The hosts position the 1960s as the most culturally important decade in Western history, comparable to how the 1910s (with World War I) defined 20th century politics They describe the cultural shift as being "on the scale of the foundation of a new religion" that has never been honestly examined The Managerial Class and Bureaucratization Discussion of how bureaucracy gained sociological dominance during this period Analysis of how bureaucracy standardizes people, crushes ethnic differences, and stands against organic traditions and religion Economic and Social Changes The prosperity of post-WWII America creating conditions for social experimentation The turning point of 1971 (leaving the gold standard) and subsequent economic stagnation How regulations led to corporate consolidation (from top companies controlling 20% of markets in the 1960s to 80% today) Cultural Revolution and Its Consequences The birth control pill as a transformative technology comparable to the atom bomb How the 1960s counterculture became the establishment, with those who were once rebels now enforcing conformity The Black Community and Civil Rights Complex analysis of how the black community changed after the 1960s Discussion of pre-1960s black economic advancement and family structure The Civil Rights Movement's success in ending Jim Crow but discussion of unintended consequences Spirituality and Consciousness How psychedelics influenced modern culture and art Discussion of Eastern religions' influence and how they were often misinterpreted Generational Analysis Critical examination of "boomerism" as a comprehensive worldview How the social shifts of the 1960s were primarily driven by elite university students but eventually spread throughout society The hypocrisy of generational values shifting based on self-interest Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
  • Explaining the 1950s
    In this episode of History 102, 'WhatIfAltHist' creator Rudyard Lynch and co-host Austin Padgett analyze the 1950s challenges common narratives, exploring how post-WWII trauma, technological advancement, and social transformation shaped modern Western society. Through detailed historical analysis, they deconstruct popular misconceptions about the era's conservatism, examining its complex relationship with materialism, bureaucracy, and cultural change. -- 📰 Be notified early when Turpentine's drops new publication: -- SPONSOR: NETSUITE | SHOPIFY | ORACLE More than 40,000 businesses have already upgraded to NetSuite by Oracle, the #1 cloud financial system bringing accounting, financial management, inventory, HR, into ONE proven platform. If you're looking for an ERP platform, get a one-of-a-kind flexible financing program on NetSuite: - Download your free CFO's guide to AI and machine learning. Shopify is the world's leading e-commerce platform, offering a market-leading checkout system Shoppay and exclusive AI apps. Nobody does selling better than Shopify. Get a $1 per month trial at Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI): Oracle's next-generation cloud platform delivers blazing-fast AI and ML performance with 50% less for compute and 80% less for outbound networking compared to other cloud providers. OCI powers industry leaders like Vodafone and Thomson Reuters with secure infrastructure and application development capabilities. New U.S. customers can get their cloud bill cut in half by switching to OCI before March 31, 2024 at -- RECOMMENDED PODCAST: Second Opinion Join Christina Farr, Ash Zenooz and Luba Greenwood as they bring influential entrepreneurs, experts and investors into the ring for candid conversations at the frontlines of healthcare and digital health every week. Spotify: Apple: YouTube: -- FOLLOW ON X: @whatifalthist (Rudyard) @LudwigNverMises (Austin) @TurpentineMedia -- HIGHLIGHTS: Post-WWII Society & Psychology The 1950s represented profound psychological changes after WWII trauma The WWII generation coddled their children (the boomers) to shield them from hardship Society had unprecedented prosperity but underlying nihilism Nuclear warfare anxiety significantly shaped the era's mindset Government & Institution Changes Massive expansion of state power and bureaucracy Creation of key federal institutions (FBI, CIA) High tax rates (90% top rate, though with many loopholes) Shift in executive branch power due to nuclear age requirements Cultural Identity Not as traditionally conservative as commonly portrayed More materialistic and state-oriented than previous eras Marked the beginning of "blue pill" era - a society based on platitudes Women's roles were uniquely constrained compared to previous eras Global Context America became the dominant global cultural force Western Europe's decline as a cultural power Formation of the European Union under American influence Beginning of decolonization movements Social Structure Highest standard of living in human history to that point Strong social mobility and relative equality Unprecedented urban population shift Cultural standardization through television and mass media Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
  • Explaining the Origins of Science
    In this episode of History 102, 'WhatIfAltHist' creator Rudyard Lynch and co-host Austin Padgett examine science's historical development, challenging conventional narratives by tracing its roots in Christian philosophy and ancient traditions. The hosts analyze how empirical methodology transformed into modern "scientism," arguing that contemporary society has abandoned true scientific inquiry for ideology-driven selectivity, placing these intellectual shifts within broader historical patterns of knowledge systems. -- 📰 Be notified early when Turpentine's drops new publication: -- SPONSOR: NETSUITE | SHOPIFY | ORACLE More than 40,000 businesses have already upgraded to NetSuite by Oracle, the #1 cloud financial system bringing accounting, financial management, inventory, HR, into ONE proven platform. If you're looking for an ERP platform, get a one-of-a-kind flexible financing program on NetSuite: - Download your free CFO's guide to AI and machine learning. Shopify is the world's leading e-commerce platform, offering a market-leading checkout system Shoppay and exclusive AI apps. Nobody does selling better than Shopify. Get a $1 per month trial at Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI): Oracle's next-generation cloud platform delivers blazing-fast AI and ML performance with 50% less for compute and 80% less for outbound networking compared to other cloud providers. OCI powers industry leaders like Vodafone and Thomson Reuters with secure infrastructure and application development capabilities. New U.S. customers can get their cloud bill cut in half by switching to OCI before March 31, 2024 at -- RECOMMENDED PODCAST: Check out Modern Relationships, where Erik Torenberg interviews tech power couples and leading thinkers to explore how ambitious people actually make partnerships work. Founders Fund's Delian Asparouhov and researcher Nadia Asparouhova kick off the series with an unfiltered conversation about their relationship evolution. Apple: Spotify: YouTube: -- FOLLOW ON X: @whatifalthist (Rudyard) @LudwigNverMises (Austin) @TurpentineMedia -- HIGHLIGHTS: Science developed from Christian philosophy and ancient traditions rather than in opposition to them The Catholic Church historically funded and supported scientific development before later tensions arose Different civilizations throughout history had fundamentally different worldviews than modern Western perspectives Modern society practices "scientism" (using scientific language selectively to justify predetermined beliefs) rather than actual science Science works best as an arbitration method but struggles with contextual understanding and moral questions Hermeticism and mystical traditions played a significant role in early scientific thought that's often overlooked The separation of religion from science was a historical development rather than an inherent opposition Modern institutions frequently claim scientific authority while actually operating on ideological premises Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
  • Explaining the Iron Age
    In this episode of History 102, 'WhatIfAltHist' creator Rudyard Lynch and co-host Austin Padgett discuss how the adoption of iron weapons and tools democratized warfare, disrupted Bronze Age aristocracies, and facilitated new social structures and philosophical movements. They analyze parallel developments in Greece, Persia, India, and China, examining how iron technology catalyzed cultural changes, religious innovations, and new forms of governance between roughly 1200-200 BCE. -- 📰 Be notified early when Turpentine's drops new publication: -- SPONSOR: NETSUITE | SHOPIFY | ORACLE More than 40,000 businesses have already upgraded to NetSuite by Oracle, the #1 cloud financial system bringing accounting, financial management, inventory, HR, into ONE proven platform. If you're looking for an ERP platform, get a one-of-a-kind flexible financing program on NetSuite: - Download your free CFO's guide to AI and machine learning. Shopify is the world's leading e-commerce platform, offering a market-leading checkout system Shoppay and exclusive AI apps. Nobody does selling better than Shopify. Get a $1 per month trial at Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI): Oracle's next-generation cloud platform delivers blazing-fast AI and ML performance with 50% less for compute and 80% less for outbound networking compared to other cloud providers. OCI powers industry leaders like Vodafone and Thomson Reuters with secure infrastructure and application development capabilities. New U.S. customers can get their cloud bill cut in half by switching to OCI before March 31, 2024 at -- RECOMMENDED PODCAST: Check out Modern Relationships, where Erik Torenberg interviews tech power couples and leading thinkers to explore how ambitious people actually make partnerships work. Founders Fund's Delian Asparouhov and researcher Nadia Asparouhova kick off the series with an unfiltered conversation about their relationship evolution. Apple: Spotify: YouTube: -- FOLLOW ON X: @whatifalthist (Rudyard) @LudwigNverMises (Austin) @TurpentineMedia HIGHLIGHTS: Iron Age Context Followed Bronze Age collapse (~1000 BCE) Iron was more abundant and accessible than bronze Democratized warfare and society Military Impact Enabled cheaper armor and better infantry weapons Undermined aristocratic chariot warfare Empowered frontier societies Cultural Changes Sparked major philosophical/religious movements Rise of Greek philosophy, Judaism, Zoroastrianism, Buddhism Led to "Axial Age" innovations Geographic Spread Similar developments across Eurasia Parallel changes in Greece, Persia, India, China New empires rose as old ones fell Social Evolution Development of monetary systems Rise of merchant classes Created tension between traditional and commercial values Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Weitere Geschichte Podcasts

Über History 102 with WhatifAltHist's Rudyard Lynch and Austin Padgett

Rudyard Lynch, creator of the enormously popular YouTube channel WhatifAltHist joins Austin Padgett every week to offer a deeper understanding of critical moments in history. Together they identify patterns in order to predict the future and understand the dynamics that result in civilizations rising and falling. We cover WW1, WW2, Classical Greece, Medieval Islam, the rise of Communism, and more. History 102 is a part of the Turpentine podcast network. Learn more:

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