What’s this?! A new prescription? We heard you were feeling [shudder] bored of aliens and wanted to consider other genres. We get it. It happens to the best of us and you’ve come to the right place to get that seen to.
Listen to Waiting For October to enter a literal world of fiction! Find the show on any good podcast platform or at monkeymanproductions.com.
Transcript: https://www.thevestaclinic.com/prescribed-listening
You can find the cast and crew in lots of places!
[email protected]
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/monkeymanproductions
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MonkeymanProductions/
Instagram: @monkeymanprod
Tumblr: @monkeymanproductions
TikTok: @waitingforoct
And you can find us on tumblr, bluesky and instagram @vestaclinicpod!