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Explore Mandarin with TeaTime Chinese Podcast (茶歇中文播客). Ideal for intermediate learners, our episodes utilize the Comprehensible Input method to delve into a wi...
很久以前,交通不便。就是有这么一些人,他们不愿意收到交通,地理的限制,一马当先,游历四海,成为著名的旅行家。张骞就是这样的一个人。他走过的路,今人叫做:丝绸之路。 Long ago when transportation wasn’t advanced, a group of people defied the limitations of transportation and geography. They set out for far, and travelled the oceans. They were great travelers. Zhang Qian is one of them. The road that he took is what we call “the Silk Road” today. ◉ NEW: TeaTime News 茶歇新闻 on Spotify ◉ Read transcripts for free ◉ Support us on Patreon ◉ One-time Donation ◉ Find us on YouTube ◉ We are on LinkedIn ◉ We are on Facebook
第92集:《黑神话:悟空》的成功故事 The success story of “Black Myth: Wukong”
2024年8月20日,《黑神话:悟空》在游戏迷们四年的等待之后终于上线。游戏想象《西游记》原著故事发生之后的事情。在游戏中,玩家与原著中的妖魔鬼怪战斗,最终找到悟空。 《黑神话:悟空》无疑是今年最畅销的游戏之一。这个项目背后的团队是谁?他们为什么要做这样一个中国风格的游戏?我们为大家讲述。 On August 20, 2024, after four years of anticipation from gaming fans, Black Myth: Wukong finally launched. The game imagines a continuation of the classic Journey to the West story, allowing players to battle the legendary demons and creatures from the original tale, all in pursuit of the iconic Monkey King, Wukong. Black Myth: Wukong is undoubtedly one of the year's best-selling games. But who is the team behind this project, and why did they create a game rooted in Chinese mythology? Join us as we explore the story behind this fascinating release. ◉ 冯骥采访 ◉ Read transcripts for free ◉ Support us on Patreon ◉ One-time Donation ◉ Find us on YouTube ◉ We are on LinkedIn ◉ We are on Facebook
茶歇中文正式成立公司 TeaTime Chinese is now a registered company
二零二四年九月,茶歇中文的公司 ”茶報" (TeaTimedia ltd.) 正式在香港成立。从此,我们立志,要成为无政治偏见的中文新闻媒体。我们的口号是:实事求是。 In September 2024, TeaTime Chinese’s company, "茶报" (TeaTimedia Ltd.), was officially established in Hong Kong. From that point onward, we are determined to become an unbiased Chinese news media outlet, free from political prejudice. Our motto: Quest for Truth. 茶報创刊词 今日盛行的中文媒体,非黑即白,非是即非,政治偏见两极化。在茶報,我们另辟蹊径:坚持自己的主张,弘扬自由的言论。我们背后没有任何政治党派,没有人限制我们的三寸不烂之舌。即便与主流媒体背道而驰,我们也要探索真相,追求真理。我们诚邀您加入我们的大冒险,用一个一个故事讲述今天的中国,今天的世界。 TeaTime Manifesto Today's Chinese media is trapped in a binary discourse—either black or white, right or wrong—its political stance starkly polarized. At TeaTimedia, we refuse to be confined by these boundaries. We carve out a new path: standing firm with our independent perspective and upholding the freedom of expression. We are free from the chains of any political party, and no one can bind our tongue nor muzzle our voice. Even if our views clash with the mainstream, we are determined to pursue the truth and uncover reality. Join us on this adventure, as we explore the rich, multifaceted world of China—one story at a time. 下载PDF Download as PDF 注册证书 Certificate of Incorporation 支持我们 One-time donation
第91集: 中国历史上的刺杀事件 Assassination Attempts in Chinese History
刺杀事件是否只发生在现在? 过去有发生过什么样的刺杀呢?继第90集之后, 让我们穿越回中国数千年的历史, 聊聊中国古代历史上的谋杀事件: 专诸刺吴王, 荆轲刺秦王, 汪精卫刺载沣王。 Do assassinations only happen now? What kind of assassinations have happened in the past? Following Episode 90, let's travel back thousands of years of Chinese history and talk about murders in ancient Chinese history: Zhuan Zhu (专诸) assassinated the King of Wu (吴王), Jing Ke (荆轲) assassinated the King of Qin (秦王), Wang Jingwei (汪精卫) assassinated the Regent of Zaifeng (载沣王). ◉ 练习中文阅读: ◉ Read transcripts for free ◉ Support us on Patreon ◉ Find us on YouTube ◉ We are on LinkedIn ◉ We are on Facebook ◉ One-time Donation
第90集 : 特朗普遇刺 Assassination Attempt on Donald Trump
2024年7月13日,在美国发生了令人震惊的事情:前总统特朗普遇刺了。事件是怎么发生的?凶手是谁?媒体是怎么评价这一事件的?我们一起探讨。 * 一个口误,在节目的开头,应该是 “13日”,而不是 “30”日。 On July 13, 2024, a shocking event occurred in the United States: former President Donald Trump was assassinated. How did this incident happen? Who was the attacker? How did the media respond to this event? Let’s explore these questions together. * A slip of tongue. In the beginning of the episode, it should be "13日" instead of "30日". ◉ 练习中文阅读: ◉ 联系乃耕,我们的音乐家: [email protected] ◉ Read transcripts for free ◉ Support us on Patreon ◉ Find us on YouTube ◉ We are on LinkedIn ◉ We are on Facebook ◉ One-time Donation
Explore Mandarin with TeaTime Chinese Podcast (茶歇中文播客). Ideal for intermediate learners, our episodes utilize the Comprehensible Input method to delve into a wide array of subjects including Chinese culture, history, literature, and society. Enhance your language skills, prepare for HSK exams, or simply immerse yourself in content that broadens your cultural horizons.
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