The disastrous Star Wars Holiday Special aired exactly once, on November 17th 1978. For decades, George Lucas attempted to erase all trace of it from pop culture, and very nearly succeeded. So here’s an exhaustive history of how and why it happened.
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Meet Boba Fett: Initial 1978 Costume Test
The Star Wars Holiday Special (1978)
The Donny and Marie Show: Star Wars Special (1977)
Bob Hope’s Scar Wars (from the Bob Hoope All Stars Comedy Special 1977)
George Lucas Video l Robot Chicken
John Williams - Cantina Band
The Doors - The Alabama Song
“Leaving Home”, “Covert Affair”, “Backed Vibes Clean”, “Thinking Music”, “Cool Rock”, “The Hall of the Mountain King”, “Chill Wave”, “Holiday Weasel”, “Rock Hybrid”, “Malicious”, “Tango de Manzana”, “Prelude and Action”, “Peaceful Desolation”, “Bossa Antigua”, “On The Ground”, “Loopster”, “Rollin at 5”, “Rising”, “Odyssey”, “Deadly Roulette”, “Morgana Rides”, “Floating Cities”, “Monkeys Spinning Monkeys”, “Study and Relax”, “The Path of the Goblin King”, “Groove Grove”, “Moonlight Hall”, &“Frost Waltz”
Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0
“Suspended Animation” & “Synapse” by Shane Ivers -